Friday, June 5, 2009

Photo project - Book Cover

I have a crazy amount of books. Recently, thanks to my significant other, I have been very picky about how my books look. Simple idea to add to my photo queue. Take a picture of each cover, put them up on the daily queue. I think that's a great idea.

Update movie, music, tv show, books on living social

I have been sorting my books and listing them on reading social. I feel like I should do the same with my music and other media collections. First I will need to sort everything before I start my lists. From the looks of things it will be a while before I get to it.

End of May State of Things

Ok, this month was pretty much one step forward, two steps back. It took me 13 weeks to get back to the same weight as I was before. I don't think I crossed out anything nor added anything to my list. Maybe I'm getting bored of the items, or I'm just not here enough.

I skipped on exercise for about two weeks. Of course that didn't help. I can't go more then 3 or 4 days without hopping on the treadmill. If this week was any indication, it takes me about 3 days to get back into comfortable workout shape. Although I haven't lost any weight according to my charts, I feel like I'm getting a bit tighter around my sides. What I'm guessing is I'm actually gaining muscle weight. I hope. I have been drinking a ton of water in the last few days as well. I feel more hydrated despite the frequent bathroom trips. In general, I feel more in tune with my body. I'm more aware of what my inputs are. I can feel where my limits are when it comes to working out. I know how to tune my workouts so I can sustain for a longer period of time. That is very important when it comes to training for a long distance run.

This past month I have been more concentrated on on-going items instead of one time projects. I have been reading a ton, worked on my blogs, and calibrated my run. I'm fairly happy with my reading progress. I finished three good size books in the past month. I don't remember the last time I was so dedicated to literature. I'm getting better at picking books that are readable and entertaining thanks to my significant other. I will probably do a better job in the next month. On a side note, I have taken up writing again. I don't want to put that as a project, but it's something I want to keep up.

I've been working on my blogs. The photo blog is of course on going. I haven't added anything more on the queue for a while, I have enough to last me a few months. In the mean time I am still taking interesting photographs to be added in the future. I morphed my daily blog into something to post random finds. There is always the daily pictures of me, dinners, friends, and random observations. I recently added links and reblogs. I think that's a good idea. It's just random things I find amusing on a daily basis that I don't mind sharing. With who I don't know, but it's there. I started working on the tags on my daily blog. I need to go back and put more on the queued items and the items I already posted. It's a great idea, but I wish I started doing it earlier. I thought of a few more different concentrations I should create. I still need to create a food blog and a travel blog. Initially I thought about putting the two together because they go hand in hand in many cases. But the more I thought about it, they should be separated. Travel would be different place I have been and what to go, plus photos and reports. It can be anywhere just outside of my house. Small scale to large scale travel. I want to separate into regions to specific places and locals to visit. It's a great way for me to plan my travels. As for the food blog it will be about things I cook, recipes, restaurant review, and things I want to try. I thought about a long time ago to make a database for recipes. It's just too cumbersome. It somehow makes more sense to just plug everything into a blog and tag it. One of these days I need to consolidate everything onto my website. I know things are all over the place right now, but it makes sense to me. It gives me a lot more clarity on what I want overall on my website contents wise. It also clarifies the things I am actually interested in.

Although not part of any project, I have been doing pretty well financially. I made my own budgeting system, and apparently I have been working with a zero sum budget. Every penny has to go somewhere, and most of it goes into savings. My spending habits are significantly different from a few years ago. I don't feel comfortable making random purchases. Although a few of my recent purchases have been rather large, they are somewhat thought out and within my budget. It's another lifestyle change.

The overall project is really me, and I'm working on it.